
    Our latest blog posts

    • Get 20% off your Electric Vehicle Experience

      Test drive an all-electric Audi, BMW, Volkswagen, Mini, Vauxhall and Renault from the Electric Vehicle Experience Centre in centre:mk and receive 20% off your experience here...

      Posted by Lia Christodoulou at Friday, 16 July 2021

    • BLOG: Road tripping with an electric car

      After months of successfully charging and living with an electric car in and around Milton Keynes, Lia from the MK Breakfast Show took the MKFM car on a road trip to Cambridge and here's how she got on...

      Posted by Lia Christodoulou at Monday, 7 June 2021

    • BLOG: Benefits of going green

      With growing attention around climate change and sustainable living, how can going green help our planet as well as our bank balance? Lia from the MK Breakfast Show shares the benefits she's experienced in this blog post...

      Posted by Lia Christodoulou at Friday, 23 April 2021

    • BLOG: Electric vehicle community

      Trying something new can feel a little daunting. In her latest blog post, Lia from the MK Breakfast Show explains the support and unexpected community she has found since driving an electric vehicle...

      Posted by Lia Christodoulou at Thursday, 8 April 2021

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