When should you get your boiler serviced?

    Whether you're a homeowner or run a business, you will undoubtedly know that boilers require annual servicing to remain compliant and ensure that they're working effectively and safely. However, you may not know there are certain times throughout the year where it's optimal to schedule it in. So, if you've ever questioned the best option – when should you get your boiler serviced? – here is what we recommend at Plumbing & Gas Solutions.

    First and foremost, we need to reiterate that the most important thing is that you always get your boiler serviced within 12 months, so naturally, if we suggest that there's an ideal time to get your boiler serviced and that is further away than your current service, you will still have to get one in the meantime, before you make the change.

    That being said, there are a couple of specific times of year where it's smart to schedule your boiler service, and one which is less than ideal.

    Summer Boiler Service

    One of our two main recommended times to plan your annual service is during the summer. The reason that it's so beneficial to have your boiler serviced during summer is simple - if the appliance has any issues or we tell you that it needs to be repaired or replaced, you won't be affected. Having no heating when it's 20 degrees outside isn't so bad, but during winter it's much more noticeable!

    By scheduling your service in June or July, you're guaranteeing that the service will come and go with the least possible disruption to your home or commercial site. Plus, you can be more selective on the most convenient time for you, as our schedule is more flexible in summer and parts are more readily available, due to the reduced number of emergencies and call outs compared to winter.

    Pre-Winter Boiler Service

    The other time of year that we recommend for a boiler service is just before the winter weather kicks in, at the end of October (or whenever you see the weather reports starting to look a bit bleak!) We recommend this because it means that you will have the opportunity to ensure that your heating system is as prepared as possible for the cold weather. While it will obviously be less convenient than the Summer if your boiler has to be turned off for a short period of time, it's still not catastrophic like it can be during the coldest months. Plus, the closer proximity of the service to the extreme temperatures means you can be even more confident that you're set up for winter.

    Every single year we receive dozens of call outs from people who are experiencing a boiler breakdown around Christmas, or their hot water isn't working when it's 2 degrees outside! Not only does the bad timing of these problems make them more impactful on our customer, it also means that they have more competition for engineers to go out and support them, and suppliers have longer wait times on vital parts and appliances, due to the sheer volume of similar issues for other customers.

    The Dangers of a Winter Service

    As we've already alluded to, if you get your boiler serviced during the cold winter months, you open yourself up to more notable consequences if any issues are discovered during the service. Plus, it is by far the busiest period for emergency call outs, and parts are also in their highest demand.

    One issue with a winter service that we haven't previously mentioned is that the likelihood of your boiler having issues or a full breakdown prior to the service is increased. If you've scheduled in your gas boiler service on the 17th of December, you are asking your boiler to suffer the brunt of the winter weather at the end of the year, when nobody has taken a look at it since last December! Why put that level of unnecessary added stress on your boiler? Or, if things go wrong… Unnecessary added stress on you.

    Even bringing your service forward by just one month could save you hundreds of pounds, if it helps you avoid a full breakdown.

    The Perfect Combination

    What we recommend to ensure the absolute best possible protection for your boiler is to combine these two optimal dates, by scheduling a full service during the summer and then having a 'fit for winter' interim check at the beginning of winter.

    As an example, if you have your boiler serviced in the first week of June, and then schedule in an interim check in the final week of October, you cover the whole year. You get the main service out the way when it's most convenient, and then have one final health check before the coldest of the weather kicks in during winter.

    At Plumbing & Gas Solutions we offer this interim check (it doesn't have to be during winter specifically) at a discounted rate if a customer uses us for their main annual service. For further information, reach out to PGS today on 01908 970367.

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