IKEA Milton Keynes car park forced to close as hundreds queue for store which re-opened today

    IKEA have been forced to close the car park at their Milton Keynes store as hundreds of people queue to get into the store which re-opened for the first time today.

    A 'one car in, one car out' system is now operating at the car park with IKEA staff on hand to direct traffic.

    The store re-opened at 10am this morning but the car park is now completely full.

    A large queue of people has been formed outside the store with people mainly sticking to social distancing guidelines.

    IKEA has been closed since the end of March when the coronavirus lockdown began.

    One eyewitness at the scene told MKFM: "There are so many staff co-ordinating. It looks very well organised but is extremely busy."

    There is currently heavy traffic on Bletcham Way past the entrance to the store.

    Check out our gallery of the queues at the Milton Keynes store this morning:

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