Irish Jo's invisalign treatment

    I'm well known for talking and not keeping my mouth closed for very long. But I've always had a problem with one tooth, I feel it sticks out too much, despite the fact my mum says it's a "trademark".Jo teeth 2

    So I was delighted when Uma from MK Smiles told me about the invisalign treatment. For me to finally sort out my teeth and straighten my smile would give me a huge confidence boost. And the fact it would only take 12-14 weeks was a winner winner chicken dinner. 

    MK Smiles is a new dental practice based in the Brooklands Health Centre. It all looks fantastic with a spacious reception area, TVs on the ceiling and even themed rooms; designed to help relax patients.

    And if the forest themed rooms hadn't relaxed me, Uma certainly did. She was reassuring in her approach and talked me through the whole process in detail.

    I started with a consultation which involved Uma talking me through everything involved in the process. She also showed me videos of how the teeth can move through the process. Uma was confident that mine didn't need that much moving and the whole thing would only take 14 weeks, which I was buzzing with!

    jo being vainWe then took moulds of my teeth. These moulds enable invisalign to make what look like thin, see-through, gum shields.

    After a couple of weeks, the moulds were back and it was time for me to have them fitted.

    I'm now wearing my new invisalign every day. Nobody I talk to has even noticed that I've got them in which is fantastic!

    I'll keep you updated as I go back for more appointments!

    Below is a video of how my teeth are expected to change from how they started.

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