Tributes paid to Milton Keynes ice hockey player who has sadly passed away

    People have been paying their tributes on social media to a Milton Keynes ice hockey player who sadly passed away this week.

    Aston Little was a player for Milton Keynes Bolts, a recreational ice hockey team in the city, as well as being a match night helper for Milton Keynes Lightning.

    Milton Keynes Lightning posted on their Facebook page: "We are deeply saddened that Aston Little, one of our matchnight helpers and an MK Bolts player sadly passed away yesterday."

    "Our thoughts are with his friends and family at this very difficult time. Take care everyone."

    Since the post, hundreds of people have left their messages of tribute to him.

    Mark Mingard posted: "Omg. So sorry to read this. Our thoughts are with you all. Only met him couple of times but always so happy. RIP fella."

    Ruth Coggins added: "RIP Aston. You were such a lovely guy. Part of the Monday night LtP crew when I started. The endless laughter and silliness in the changing room that you were often the centre of."

    "Rest in peace."

    Coventry Cobras commented: "On behalf of our team, we are saddened to hear this awful news and may he rest in peace. There has been guys from our team who have played with him in charity events and guys who have played against him in challenge games. He will be missed."

    "Thoughts go out to his friends, family and team mates."

    And Maria Gregory said: "My sincere condolences to Aston Little‘s family and friends."

    "I didn’t know him nor met him but my son plays ice-hockey so feel akin to the sad loss of a young man who, going by the posts, was a lovely guy. Rest in perfect peace, Aston. God bless."

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