MKFM has started to hear from school's across Milton Keynes as students celebrate GCSE success.
Students in Milton Keynes collecting their GCSE grades today are the first to sit physical exams in exam conditions since COVID.
During the pandemic, lockdown's and restrictions forced a change in the education system.
Now, students are back collecting their GCSE grades today, with school's telling MKFM of their student's successes.
Lord Grey Academy is celebrating matching last year’s Teacher Assessment Grades and a 20% increase on 2019 examination grades.
A spokesperson for the school said that 63% of all students achieved English and Maths GCSE at Grade 4 and above.
51% of students at the school also achieved five or more GCSEs including English and Maths.
Associate Principal, Mrs Samantha Satyanadhan commented: "All of our students have shown huge determination and high levels of motivation in their studies. We are so very proud of all of them for their educational journey over the last 5 years; these results are absolutely amazing and all the students have blown us away with the tenacity that they have shown.
"Our motto is Lord Grey CAN and today we have demonstrated how we live and breathe this. Lord Grey has the commitment to support students to achieve what they want in life. My thanks go, as always, to the wonderful staff who are part of the Lord Grey community."
READ MORE: GCSE results add to another successful year for Milton Keynes College Group
Denbigh are celebrating
Denbigh's top 20 GCSE students at Denbigh scored an average of Grade 8 or above across all their subjects and the top 50 students scored an average of Grade 7 and above. This is a remarkable achievement, and the school is very proud of its students.
Denbigh’s Head of School, Dr Andrea Frame said: "I am delighted with the results this year which show how our Year 11 students took the return of GCSE examinations in their stride! They have been supported all the way by our dedicated teachers who have helped them achieve their potential and set themselves up for their next steps, post 16.
"It has been wonderful celebrating with our students and their families today and we look forward to welcoming the majority of them into our fantastic Sixth Form in September."
Ian Joyce, CEO of the Denbigh Alliance Trust, of which Denbigh School is a member said: "These results the students have secured are a credit to all at Denbigh School. At the Trust we could not be more proud of them."
Mr Nelson, of Hazeley Academy, said in an emotional dedication to the school's GCSE student's:
"On tense results days, it is essential to consider not only the grades but also the journey in which they were achieved. As a community of students, families, and staff we promised each other we would do all we could to “grow a vibrant community of exceptional people.”
"Back in 2017, 240 Year 7’s in oversized green blazers; comedic sized bags and slightly uncomfortable new shoes joined Hazeley. Many of which were waved off for the first (and often only time) by their parents.
"We talked about the journey ahead, and that it would be about working together to help everyone grow into the “best versions of themselves.” We shared that challenges would lay ahead and that when we encountered them, we would use our 3Cs of Character, Confidence, and Creativity to overcome them."
The overwhelming majority of Hazeley students have gained the grades they need to progress directly to their preferred next step, for the vast majority this will be in the school's 6th Form.
"Well done to the entire Hazeley community, we set our sights high and did what we said we would and ‘grew a vibrant community of exceptional people." said Mr Nelson.