Step ladder mistaken for new McDonald’s at Milton Keynes shopping centre

    The resident said they will be taking the 'steps' to deal with what they saw in Midsummer Place yesterday.

    A resident caused a stir on social media last night after posting an image of what looks like a famous fast-food brand logo in a Milton Keynes shopping centre.

    The post, captioned 'Just what we need in the new bit, another Mcdonald's! Who's as angry as I am?!?!', showed what looks like a McDonald's sign in Midsummer Place, where work is currently taking place to give the shopping centre a makeover.

    The post quickly gained attention with residents rushing to the comments to respond to the image.

    One resident said: 'On closer inspection You better take ‘steps’ to resolve that...'

    Another joined in the joke saying they will have the 'McLadder meal' and the 'chicken McSteps without mayo please'.

    'Lol you had me for a split second,' someone else commented.

    The poster responded to comments saying: 'Quick update for anyone who's as angry as I am.

    'I've taken the steps to get this sorted, I've gone to the very top about this and tried to phone Mcdonald's head office, but it just rung and rung...'

    One resident then replied: 'make sure you have someone at the bottom to support you.'

    MKFM can confirm the image was in fact of a ladder.

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