Plan to demolish three cottages in Brooklands

    Developers have lodged a planning application with Milton Keynes Council to increase the number of homes on a site in Brooklands.

    The site at Brooklands Farm Cottages, Broughton Grounds Lane, already has permission to demolish three cottages and build five homes in their place but now housebuilder Abbeymill Homes has applied to increase that number to nine.

    Rural Solutions, the applicant on behalf of Abbeymill Homes, says in a supporting planning statement: “This application seeks to deliver a scheme which will make a more efficient use of land and make a greater contribution to the delivery of housing in the area.”

    Other planning applications that have been registered and are open for public comment are:

    Advertisement consent to display signage and flags for marketing of the Campbell Wharf development comprising of 3no. illuminated gantry signs, 8no. flags and addition of graphics to existing construction hoarding. Campbell Park H3 And H4, Canalside, Overgate, Campbell Park, Milton Keynes.

    Change of use from C3 Dwelling to C1 Hotels to be used as a Bed and Breakfast establishment, including conversion of garage, internal alterations, and advertisement signage to frontage of property. 47 Ashford Crescent, Grange Farm, Milton Keynes, MK8 0LZ.

    Certificate of lawfulness implementation of planning permission for amendments to retail park. Tesco Car Park, Winchester Circle, Kingston, Milton Keynes.

    Cedar Clad portable temporary modular building to be used as an outdoor classroom. St Monicas Catholic Primary School, Currier Drive, Neath Hill, Milton Keynes, MK14 6HB.

    Details submitted pursuant discharge of condition 30 ( CEMP) attached to planning permission 11/01685/MKPCO. Wea Area 10-1 – 10-3 Watling Street H3 To H4 Milton Keynes.

    Details submitted pursuant to discharge conditions 3, 7, 9, 10 & 11 attached to planning application 18/01593/FUL (Planning Conditions Schedule – Plots 1-5, Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement, Landscape Specification., Soft Landscaping, Hard Landscaping, Proposed Site Layout).
    Storage Land And Premises Newport Road Wavendon Milton Keynes MK17 8AG

    Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 3 (Arboriculutral Impact Assessment), condition 8 (Proposed Boundary Treatment), condition 10 (Soft and Hard Landscaping), condition 11 (Proposed Floor Levels) and condition 12 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme) attached to planning permission 17/03125/FUL. Storage Land And Premises Newport Road Wavendon Milton Keynes MK17 8AG.

    Certificate of lawfulness for the use of up to 18 per cent (167sq m) of the gross floorspace of the unit to be used for and ancillary pet grooming facility / DIY dog wash and/or vets. Jollyes – Milton Keynes, Barnsdale Drive, Westcroft, Milton Keynes, MK4 4DD.

    Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 3 (Roof Sample Panels) attached to planning permission 18/03079/LBC. Tower House, High Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK11 1AH.

    Tree preservation order on land to the northeast of 53, The Glebe, Lavendon.
    53, The Glebe, Lavendon, Olney, MK46 4HF.

    Proposed infill between garage and main dwelling. Proposed single-storey rear extension and Loft and garage conversion do not require planning permission.
    136, Lynmouth Crescent, Furzton, Milton Keynes, MK4 1LQ.

    Change of use from C3 to C4. Wanting to use the property as a HMO (currently for 3 people) to live in a 3-bed house on 3 floors.  141 Stratford Road, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5FD.

    Details submitted pursuant to variation of condition 4 (Care Home Usage for Adults with Learning Difficulties) attached to planning permission 15/01319/FUL Condition Number(s): 4 Conditions(s) Removal. Howe Park House, 32 Hengistbury Lane, Tattenhoe, Milton Keynes, MK4 3AB.

    Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 14 (Affordable housing) attached to planning permission 17/03408/REM. Parcel 10.1 H, Dexter Drive, Whitehouse, Milton Keynes.

    Demolition of existing garage, proposed single-storey rear extension, rear single-storey free-standing garage/ out-building, 1.8m high rear east boundary timber fence and extended block paved drive (drained to soft landscaping).
    47 Longville, Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5PH.

    Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 2 (Secure by Design) and condition 12 (Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy) attached to planning permission 15/02939/FUL. 1 Featherstone Road, Wolverton Mill, Milton Keynes, MK12 5TH.

    Listed building consent for the reconstruction of existing curtilege barn as single-storey annexe to Ivy Cottage. Ivy Cottage, Willen Road, Milton Keynes Village, Milton Keynes, MK10 9AF.

    Listed building consent for retrospective application for internal and external alterations. Yew Tree Farm, Stoke Goldington Road, Ravenstone, Olney, MK46 5AU.

    Change of use and conversion of dwelling house (C3) into a HMO (C4). 18 Milland Way, Oxley Park, Milton Keynes, MK4 4GU.

    Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 3 (External Materials), condition 5 (Parking Plan), condition 6 (Ground Conditions), condition 11 (Landscape Scheme) and condition 12 (Boundary Treatment Scheme) attached to planning permission 18/02993/FULMMA. Lacey House, 28 High Street, Lavendon, Olney, MK46 4HA.

    Details submitted pursuant to discharge of conditions 12 (Biodiversity) and 16 (BREEAM) attached to planning permission 15/02939/FUL Open for comment icon. 1 Featherstone Road, Wolverton Mill, Milton Keynes, MK12 5TH.

    Advertisement consent for a fascia sign and projecting sign to the front of property. 6 Brooklands Road, Brooklands, Milton Keynes, MK10 7NF.

    Change of use – from previously Renji Chinese Medicine Centre back to part of the residential dwelling. Renji Chinese Medical Centre, 121 High Street, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8HD.

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