A committed Milton Keynes woman is raising awareness about the importance of bowel cancer screening after her father’s life was saved by taking the test.
Louise Armstrong-Swain, 35, will be swimming 15km in August as part of Bowel Cancer UK’s annual Swim15 event. Louise hopes that by taking part, she can raise awareness of the importance of the bowel cancer screening test, which she credits with saving her father’s life.
“He didn’t have any symptoms prior to his diagnosis,” Louise said. “His cancer was detected solely through the screening test.”
Louise’s dad, Keith, received his screening test through the post last year and soon after completing it was diagnosed with stage 1 bowel cancer. Louise said that thankfully he was diagnosed at an early stage meaning that his cancer is easier to treat.
Louise continued, “I know how important it is to be aware of your body and possible bowel cancer symptoms. My grandad was diagnosed with the disease in the early 2000’s and survived.”
Bowel cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer in the UK, with a new diagnosis occurring every 15 minutes; when detected early on, the disease is treatable and curable.
Although it has been extremely difficult watching two of her loved ones go through the disease, Louise is grateful to “all the wonderful staff who are caring for my dad, and those in the past who supported my grandfather.”
As her dad is currently going through treatment for his cancer, Louise decided she wanted to “give something back”. As well as raising awareness about the importance of taking the screening test, she will also be raising money for the charity.
Louise said, “I decided to fundraise for Bowel Cancer UK after learning about all the support they provide to people going through this disease, and the work they do to raise awareness.
Louise has chosen Swim15 as she already regularly swims at her leisure centre and wanted to challenge herself to do as many kilometres as possible during August.
“I also chose this challenge as I have many fond memories of going swimming with my dad as a child”, Louise added. “It’s amazing how many people I’ve spoken to about Swim15 whose lives have either directly or indirectly been touched by bowel cancer. It’s so important to spread awareness of the screening test so more people can hopefully get diagnosed early like my dad”, Louise concluded.
Bowel Cancer UK’s Swim15 fundraising event takes place in August and asks people to get sponsored to complete either 15km throughout the month or choose their own challenge. The funds raised will help stop people dying of bowel cancer by raising awareness of the disease, and funding vital services and lifesaving research.
Luke Squires, Director of Fundraising at Bowel Cancer UK, said, “The funds raised by our Swim15 challenge will help us continue to save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by the disease. We are so grateful to Louise for taking part in Swim15 and really inspired by her for speaking so openly about her dad and her grandad’s diagnosis and treatment.” “Dive into action this August and join us in helping to create a future where nobody dies of bowel cancer”, Luke added.
For more information or if you would like to take part, please click here.
If you'd like to support Louise and donate, please visit https://fundraise.bowelcanceruk.org.uk/fundraisers/LouiseArmstrong-Swain/swim-15