Milton Keynes Village road receives refresh from the council

    The High Street, Sherington, received a clean up from MK Council's Highways and Landscaping team.

    MK Council's Highways and Landscaping teams coordinated works on the road to help improve drainage in this area which has experienced localised flooding.

    The team removed built up soil and leaf debris from the verges and vegetation was cut back at either side of the road, helping to improve visbility for drivers and pedestrians.

    Diggers were then able to access the road verge and culverts. Deeper ditches were dug out and the culverts were checked, repaired and cleared.

    CCTV is used to check through the pipes to see if there are any cracks or blockages.

    Finally, white road lines will be painted this week on this section and a brand new junction sign is set to be installed next week.

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