Milton Keynes kids lobby Tory MP for free snacks

    Mark Lancaster MP for Milton Keynes North spent an afternoon with the Year 6 students of Lavendon School last week.

    Each one of the students had written a personal letter to Mark, highlighting that Key Stage 1 students receive a free snack during the school day, however they felt that this should be extended to Key Stage 2. 

    The 30 youngsters presented a number of reasons as to why they felt they were as deserving, one of which was that energy levels dropped between breakfast and lunchtime, impacting on their learning.

    Mark comments, “On reading each of their letters it became clear that the students had done their research and felt very passionately about the need for a snack during the school day.   It was a great piece of lobbying and I will be taking this up with the Department of Health on their behalf.”

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