Milton Keynes secondary school's Headteacher retires after 18 years in the classroom

    The Headteacher of Ousedale School in Newport Pagnell is stepping down after 18 years at the school, 10 of those as headteacher.

    Mrs Sue Carbert, 59, will be retiring at the end of December and says she "never dreamt she would become head". She added: "But having been the deputy for 8 years in the same school the headship opportunity arose and I applied for the position and was successful against a national field.

    "Teaching is still a wonderful fulfilling career and so is Headship, despite some of the challenges: finance, Covid! The pressure from government and Ofsted. It is the people you surround yourself with that make it, and the relationships you build both with staff, students and parents."

    Sue Carbert will spend her retirement supporting the senior team and Governing Board of the school two days a week. She is also a trustee of Willen Hospice and will take a new role on the board after Christmas as Treasurer.

    Ousedale School is an 11-19 academy based on two campuses, The Grove in Newport Pagnell and Aspreys in Olney. In January 2020, the school received an overall good rating. In May 2020 the school won 4 national awards for our educational outcomes: three for progress and attainment at GCSE and one in the Sixth Form for applied subjects. 

    During Mrs Carbert's teaching and leadership roles, she brought her passion for music to the school when later the school became a specialist music academy. Two popular stage productions took place at the school, including Les Miserables and Miss Saigon. She was an advocate for music groups such as the orchestra, ‘big band’, and choral groups were a highlight of the school year. 

    The Chair of Governors, Mr Dave Moulson said: "During her time as Headteacher, Sue has lifted the school both in terms of its examination results and its reputation in the community and beyond. Sue has faced up to the numerous challenges thrown at the School during her time as Headteacher with determined and positive leadership, with the interests of pupils, at the heart of all of her decisions. She has continued to drive for excellence throughout the School and it is without question that she leaves the School in a better place than when she was appointed Headteacher. Sue has given 18 years of commitment and dedication to Ousedale School, the last 10 of which have been as an outstanding Headteacher. We are now beginning the search for her successor who will need to provide excellent leadership for the challenges ahead whilst maintaining the strengths and values of the school."

    Head Girl Danielle Balletta said: "Aspire, Believe, Achieve – is the motto Mrs Carbert introduced to us when she became Headteacher at Ousedale and is the principle she has lived by in leading our school. She has poured her heart and soul into her time here as Headteacher, making our school the great place it is today. Her belief has shaped the character of the school and she will leave behind a legacy for all students to follow. In the time I have known Mrs Carbert, she has devoted much time and effort to my growth as an individual as I am sure she has done for many other students."

    A temporary internal appointment will lead the school until a permanent post is fulfilled in March 2021.

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