Milton Keynes families are being hit by 'Road Tax Rip-off', says MK Council Leader

    The MK Labour party has revealed the huge cash loss between how much motorists pay in road tax (VED) compared to how little is coming back from DfT in Highways Maintenance Grant.

    They say motorists in Milton Keynes pay a total of approximately £27.2 million in road tax each year.

    Despite this, residents have received just £9.3m in return in DfT grant, overall this is down 15% in the last year.

    Publishing the figures, Labour Leader of Milton Keynes Council, Cllr Pete Marland, said: “Families in Milton Keynes are getting hammered by the Conservatives. If it’s not a rise in National Insurance, it’s a cut in Universal Credit or soaring energy prices.

    "Now we know that they are being hit by the Road Tax Rip off as well.

    “For every penny motorists pay in road tax – we get just a tiny fraction back to actually maintain the roads, and even that is being cut! Once again, it’s crystal clear that whatever this Conservative government’s priorities are, it’s not us here in Milton Keynes.”

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