Mykenlande Dorasin, better known as Mickey, has been named Milton Keynes College Student of the Year for 2019.
Mickey was also named best student in the Business school. She was given her title at a fabulous awards night held at Woburn Sculpture Gallery.
Originally from the Turks & Caicos Islands, Mickey had many obstacles to overcome on the way to becoming such an excellent student when she arrived in Britain only two years ago.
Mickey studied for a Level 3 Diploma in Business and went to city HR (Human Resources) consultancy People In Flow, where she worked as a Marketing Assistant and Researcher.
Commenting on her award, Mickey said: “I’m just so grateful to everyone at the College for everything they’ve done for me,”
“It was really hard when I first came to this country and it was their support and the friendship of my classmates which has made such a big difference to my life.”
“I can’t believe I’ve gone from there to winning this award. It’s just wonderful.”
She added: “Everything was strange at first and I did find the workload a bit of struggle but the tutors were brilliant and always so helpful and supportive.”
Dr Julie Mills, CEO & Group Principal at Milton Keynes College commented: “This is my favourite night of the year every year. It’s really important to celebrate individual and collective success, not just for the winners but by way of inspiration to their fellow staff and students.”
“The theme for this year’s event is Reasons to be Diverse and we’re surrounded by the evidence that diversity is not just about natural justice but it makes good business sense too.”
“If you want to employ the most able people you need to spread your recruitment net as widely as possible.”
“Tonight we’ve had the chance to celebrate more than twenty of our students who have performed incredibly and I hope they’re all as proud of themselves as we are of them.”
She concluded: “It’s also wonderful to see so many people from the city’s business community here – not just because many of them have generously sponsored awards but also so they can see just what a fantastic resource the College is for the providing well-trained work-ready individuals they’re crying out for.”
The College is a major provider of education in prisons and Sandra Juden was named Prison Services Teacher of the Year.
Students across the College also voted for their top teacher who was named as Tess Gazeley, who teaches access to Higher Education courses.
She commented: "It is such an honour to be presented with this award, I’m very grateful to my students who nominated me.”
“One of the biggest rewards in teaching is helping my students to fulfil their potential- to realise their dreams. For them to recognise this support was a lovely surprise.”
She concluded: “This evening’s event celebrating our students’ successes has been fantastic and it makes me incredibly proud to work for the College."
The wonderful food on the night was provided by the College’s own Catering students while the musical entertainment was provided by those from Performing Arts.