Local Conservatives launch campaign for Two Hours Free Parking in Central Milton Keynes

    The Milton Keynes Conservative Party have launched a petition calling on the Council to give visitors to Central Milton Keynes two hours of free parking until the end of July.

    The local Conservatives have launched a campaign for two hours free car parking in Central Milton Keynes until the end of July.

    The aim of the campaign is to boost jobs, support businesses and restart the local economy following the COVID-19 lockdown measures that brought business to a halt. 

    The call for free parking comes as non-essential shops begin to open their doors up for business following three months of COVID-induced lockdown leaving many businesses in CMK without customers and income.

    The MK Conservative Party's statement says: "Footfall across the country dropped by 40% in March and 80% in April due to the Covid-19 outbreak causing businesses to shut their doors for the time being."

    "We want to restart CMK's economy by providing further incentives to shop and support local businesses."

    The petition calls for Milton Keynes Council to offer two hours free parking in CMK for all shoppers and will be handed into a meeting of the Full Council in June 2020.

    If you are interested in signing the petition, it can be found here.

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