Lakeview Lodge Care Home in Bletchley declared COVID-19 free

    Staff and residents at Lakeview Lodge Care Home in Bletchley have been given a clean bill of health as tests for Coronavirus have been completed across all the group’s 32 care homes.

    Testing of all residents and staff for both viral (current) and antibody (historical) infection of Covid-19 has been taking place over the last few weeks at Lakeview Lodge.

    Alykhan Kachra, Managing Director of Country Court, said: "Our Care Homes have worked extremely hard to protect our residents against the threat of Covid-19. Following this testing, we have only had 3 historical cases at Lakeview Lodge and currently have no positive cases at all in this home. This is fantastic news and a credit to the hard work and efforts of our staff.

    "We know this does not mean the threat of Covid-19 has ended and we will continue to remain vigilant to its’ potential dangers, in order to keep our residents safe and well.”

    All Country Court homes remain closed to visitors, however, the policy is under review with a view to implementing socially distanced garden visits should the infection rates in the wider community remain low. Each Country Court Care Home has been provided with a tablet and residents have been experiencing video calls with relatives for the first time, as well as receiving numerous daily phone calls, cards and letters.

    Morale at Lakeview Lodge Care Home remains high as staff go above and beyond to keep residents happy, healthy and entertained. Residents are enjoying taking part in the group’s annual gardening competition Country Court in Bloom, with numerous projects underway to bring colour to their gardens. Each care home continues to follow rigorous infection control procedures and the group has sufficient supplies of PPE to keep everyone well stocked and looked after.

    If you’re concerned about how a relative is coping at home and would like them to have more support, please get in touch with County Court's Customer Relations Manager, Maria Moore, on 07979 635 744 or email

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