IN PICTURES: Hundreds queue for Primark in Milton Keynes as store re-opens today

    Hundreds of people have been queuing to enter Primark today in Milton Keynes as the store re-opens for the first time.

    Photos of the queues were captured by an MKFM reporter at the Bletchley store at just before 9am this morning, when the store opened.

    A queuing system has been put in place at the entrance to the store to ensure the safety of customers.

    The store at The Centre MK is also re-opening for the first time today.

    Non-essential retail stores across the country are opening their doors for the first time.

    Shopping centres including The Centre MK have set up a number of social distancing measures as a result.

    Check out our gallery of the queues at Primark in Bletchley this morning here:

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