Groundbreaking film project celebrating Indian contributions to Milton Keynes launches

    An innovative film project aimed at showcasing and celebrating the invaluable contributions of the Indian community to the city has launched.

    Through the power of storytelling and filmmaking, this project seeks to shine a spotlight on the diverse tapestry of Indian culture and its significant impact across various sectors within Milton Keynes.

    The project saw the collaboration of young filmmakers from Milton Keynes, who worked with their tutors at Film Academy Milton Keynes tirelessly to produce seventeen short films highlighting the multifaceted contributions of the Indian community. From youth and sports, entrepreneurship, politics to the healthcare sector, each film delved into a specific theme, featuring individuals or groups who epitomize the essence of these narratives.

    Through Film Academy Milton Keynes, almost seventy young participants underwent comprehensive training equipping them with the skills needed to bring these stories to life on the silver screen. From media basics to advanced filmmaking techniques with some of the filmmakers undergoing training to receive British Film Institute Accreditation.

    Various activities have been organized to engage the wider community of Milton Keynes. From exclusive film premieres attended by filmmakers and featured individuals to public exhibitions during Heritage Open Days, the project aims to foster understanding, respect, and community cohesion.

    The project has been a collaboration between Film Academy Milton Keynes, the city’s only accredited filmmaking training academy and DREAMSAI a local Indian charity who won Charity of the year a highly commended award at Milton Keynes Business Awards this year.

    The project was funded by Milton Keynes Community Foundation and the British Film Institute.

    The films will be shared on digital platforms like YouTube, ensuring their accessibility to a global audience and provided to the Living Archive for storage as part of the city’s archives.

    "We aim to create a film project produced by young people that not only celebrates the positive contributions of Indians to Milton Keynes but also fosters understanding and unity within our community," says Academy CEO, Nana Oguntola. "Through this initiative, we hope to create a more inclusive and culturally vibrant city for all."

    Statement by DREAMSAI “Over five decades, Indian communities have been positively contributing towards the Milton Keynes socio-economic development and enriching the cultural diversity of this wonderful city. These films are an attempt to showcase some of those Hidden Stories to the present and future generations” says Sumit Sharma, DREAMSAI project director.

    Through this project, Milton Keynes continues to present itself as a dynamic and diverse city with its commitment to innovation and inclusivity, the city continues to thrive as a hub of creativity and culture in the region.

    For more information please contact: Nana Oguntola: 07478115668, Sumit Sharma (07739425568)

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