Free blood pressure checks now available in pharmacies for adults over 40 in Milton Keynes

    Adults aged 40 and over are being urged to take up the opportunity of a free blood pressure check at their nearest participating pharmacy, following the launch of a new campaign in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the second biggest killer in England, causing a quarter of all deaths – around one death every four minutes – and since the pandemic, deaths from CVD have been increasing.

    Hypertension, or high blood pressure, the biggest risk factor in CVD, is often undiagnosed as it can have no symptoms.  It is estimated that there are 4.2 million people in England who are currently walking around with undiagnosed hypertension, yet many of the deaths associated with high blood pressure are preventable because it can be easily managed.

    Dr Sarah Whiteman, chief medical director at Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board, said:

    “The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to get a blood pressure test, which is a free, simple, non-invasive procedure and can be completed in a private space at a participating pharmacy near your home or work.  Once diagnosed, it can be easily treated with prescription medicine, lifestyle changes such as exercise and diet, or reducing alcohol and smoking.

    “Best of all, it’s a free NHS service which is there for everyone aged 40 and over, as long as you don’t already have a diagnosis of high blood pressure, or have had your blood pressure checked by a pharmacist in the last six months.”

    You can find a pharmacy near you that offers free blood pressure checks near you by searching for ‘pharmacy blood pressure check’ or by using the pharmacy location tool on the NHS website.


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