The Government has announced a £105m fund to provide rough sleepers who have been taken off the streets during the pandemic with interim housing.
The new funding will support rough sleepers tenancies of their own, including through help with deposits for accommodation, and securing thousands of alternative rooms already available and ready for use, such as student accommodation.
Last month, the government unveiled transformative plans to support thousands of rough sleepers currently housed in emergency accommodation to move on to more sustainable, long-term housing, with 3,300 additional supported homes to be provided this year.
Ben Everitt, the MP for Milton Keynes North, commented: “Rough sleepers are some of the most vulnerable in our communities and it’s absolutely right we give them interim housing so they don’t end up back on the streets.
“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to end rough sleeping and I’m pleased the Government has now spent over half a billion pounds to support rough sleepers in this year alone.
“Just one person living on the streets is one person too many so I hope if anything positive can come out of this terrible pandemic, it’ll be bringing an end to rough sleeping in Milton Keynes and across the country.”
More details about the fund can be found here.