E-scooter trials in Milton Keynes hit 10,000 rides in the first month

    Spin e-scooters have reached the milestone of 10,000 rides in Milton Keynes just one month after being rolled out on the streets.

    Spin, the leading e-scooter rental company and the micromobility unit of Ford Motor Company, says that the 10,000 mark has been reached with around 3,500 users, showing that many residents have already tried Spin’s e-scooters and have gone back for multiple rides.

    Spin’s e-scooter trial was launched in August, initially placing 100 scooters on the streets for residents to use. The company plans to scale up to 300 scooters in the coming weeks.

    This milestone has come about faster than Spin had forecast, which is testament to the enthusiasm that Milton Keynes’ residents have for e-scooters and the effectiveness of the company’s partnership with Milton Keynes Council.

    Industry data indicates that around 41% of e-scooter trips directly replace car travel, so the pace of e-scooter adoption in Milton Keynes represents an exciting shift to more sustainable transport. Spin is confident that this rate of growth can be maintained, with e-scooters becoming a regular, safe, and fun form of transport around the city.

    To take a trip, riders simply need to download the Spin App on their smartphone, review a comprehensive set of rules and safety guidelines, and then start their trip for £0.25 per minute (no unlock fee, which normally costs £1 per ride). The scooters can be used on the Redways, which provide the local community with convenient connectivity across the town.

    Spin is working closely with Milton Keynes Council to roll out its fleet responsibly, with public safety being the top priority. The company plans to give away hundreds of free helmets to Milton Keynes residents. Instead of offering in-person safety course, due to restrictions on public gatherings, the company is offering all riders access to Spin Safe Digital, an online learning resource that teaches riders how to start and end trips properly, parking techniques to ensure walkways are free of scooter clutter, and safe riding practices during COVID-19. Riders can receive a £5 discount if they take an online quiz testing them on the rules.

    There have been some limited reports of irresponsible parking, which Milton Keynes Council and Spin are working together to resolve with new, innovative parking solutions.

    Steve Pyer, UK General Manager at Spin, said: “We were very excited to bring the first of our UK e-scooter fleets to Milton Keynes in August and, following a highly-encouraging response from local riders, it is exceptionally positive to see this rapid rate of adoption for this great alternative to car travel. We will continue to work closely with Milton Keynes Council to ensure continued success. This is the first of many Spin e-scooter trials across the UK as part of our firm commitment to fully integrate e-scooters into local transport ecosystems.”

    Cllr Lauren Townsend, Cabinet Member for Sustainability, added: “We’re delighted that our residents are embracing Spin’s e-scooters. We have a great track record on trialling new technologies here in Milton Keynes, and we’re excited at the potential for e-scooters to keep people out of their cars, cut emissions, and keep our air clean – a key part of our ambitious plans to make MK a leading green city.”

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