Councillor to use £9,500 to tackle Central Bletchley speeding traffic concerns

    Image Credit: Milton Keynes Labour Party

    A councillor in Milton Keynes will use £9,500 of council funds in an attempt to tackle speeding traffic concerns in Central Bletchley.

    In February 2019, Bletchley Councillor Emily Darlington highlighted the need for traffic calming measures in the Eaton Avenue, Lennox and Leon Roads in Central Bletchley.

    All share a common problem, namely that of speeding traffic.

    On Tuesday 28th May she made a Delegated Decision to put £9,523 into traffic calming in these roads.

    The money comes from Milton Keynes Councils new Community Infrastructure Fund (CIF).

    This £9,523 sum will provide 50% of the funding, with the Bletchley and Fenny Town Council being asked to provide the remaining 50%.

    Speaking of her endeavour, Cllr Darlington commented: “When I put forward these roads for speed traffic calming in February I did not expect to be the one making the decision three months later.”

    She added: “However, I have since recently been appointed to the cabinet, so it is now within my remit to make decisions like these.”

    “I am really pleased to allocate Milton Keynes Council funding to this much-needed scheme in Bletchley.”

    She concluded: “Now I will be asking the Bletchley and Fenny Town Council to match fund Milton Keynes Councils investment.”

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