MK Council are asking people to complete a short survey to tell them their thoughts on proposed amendments to planning decision procedures.
The Scheme of Delegation sets out how planning decisions are determined by the Council. Decisions are usually either made by Members through the Development Control Committee or Development Control Panel, or by planning officers through delegated authority. The Development Management Service is seeking to update the Scheme of Delegation, through updating the thresholds at which planning applications require consideration by the Development Control Committee.
Alongside this, the Service is also seeking to update the Council’s Constitution. The Constitution sets out how Council meetings operate, how decisions are made and the procedures that are followed. The Development Management Service is looking to update the Constitution to balance speaker rights during meetings of the Development Control Committee.
It is important to note that the changes being sought will not affect consultation requirements and all parties consulted will continue to have the same opportunities to comment on planning applications.
As part of this proposal the Council would welcome your views and opinions through the survey covering the Scheme of Delegation and the Constitution in the context of the current issues that the Development Management Service has to navigate and address.
To complete the survey please click here or click here to find out more.