Coronavirus case figures in Milton Keynes are now stabilising, says council leader

    It has been announced today (4/12) that the number of coronavirus cases in Milton Keynes is "stabilising".

    The number of positive cases recorded has more recently averaged out at between 60 to 70 per day, which is less compared to a few weeks ago when the city recorded over 100 daily cases.

    And the infection rate currently stands at 141 per 100,000 people.

    Cllr Pete Marland, Leader of Milton Keynes Council, said: "Our figure is now stabilising and I would like to thank you for all that you have done.

    "We have all had to make, and continue to make, sacrifices and changes to our everyday lives."

    This news comes as the city is heading into the first weekend out of lockdown, and in Tier 2 restrictions.

    Tier 2 means that non-essential retail, restaurants, and entertainment venues can reopen (with restrictions in place), but social gatherings indoors outside of support bubbles are banned. 

    "Please don't ignore this," Cllr Marland added. "If you can work from home, please do. News of a vaccine is positive, but the impact is a little way off.

    "I appreciate there are many things we'd all like to be doing with friends and family right now, but that's not possible and it's really tough. Our rate can rise as well as fall, and we want to avoid the severe restrictions of Tier 3. We need to get our number of going cases down, and keep them down."

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