A charity’s trustees have applied for council consent to install CCTV cameras after two costly break-ins at their much-loved community centre home.
Trustees of the York House Centre, in London Road, Stony Stratford, have told Milton Keynes Council that two break-ins this year have cost the charity more than £1,000.
In their presentation to Milton Keynes Council’s planning department applying for listed building consent, trustees of York House Centre (Stony Stratford) said: “York House Centre has been remarkably free of vandalism and crime over these years but suffered two events in January 2019.
“Our office door was broken down during the night of January 8 but nothing was stolen; and during the weekend of January 12 and 13 thieves stole items and broke down a door. The total cost of these actions exceeded £1,000.
“These actions involved the police who advised the installation of CCTV.”
York House Centre is a youth, community, and arts centre that was originally built in the 1840s as a family house. It became a popular youth club in the 1960s. After a period of decline and neglect it was taken over by the charity, and the trustees now say it has an annual footfall of 50,000.
The trustees add: “We consider that this application is necessary to secure the continuing viability of the building and the charity and we have been careful to protect the specific architectural features described in the 1976 listing.
“We do not believe that the application is therefore harmful to the building in any way; and it is of public benefit.”
Michael Moutrie, as the planning applicant, has also asked for listed building consent to install 13 wooden boards with scenes of Stony Stratford at the centre.
The council has told the trustees that listed building consent for the mural is “is likely to be granted” but they add, and to paraphrase, not to bet on it until it has gone through the council’s procedures.
This planning application and others are now open for public comments on the Milton Keynes Council planning portal.
Some of the other applications validated by the council last week were:
- Residential development for up to 9 dwellings including access, demolition and any necessary ground remodeling. Black Horse Lodge, Wolverton Road, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, MK14 5AL.
- Two one bedroom semi – detached houses with associated parking spaces. 13 Roche Gardens, Bletchley, MK3 6HR.
- Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 4 (Materials, Finishes and Structures), condition 5 (Enhancement of Public Realm), condition 11 (Landscaping Scheme), condition 12 (Tree Protection), condition 15 (Highway Works) and condition 16 (Redway/Cycleway) attached to planning permission 14/01628/FULEIS. Block E2.4 Car Park Land To East of John Lewis, Marlborough Gate, Central Milton Keynes.
- Listed Building Consent for alterations and extension, including demolition of existing extension to the rear. Battams, 88 Station Road, Bow Brickhill, MK17 9JT.
- Change of use from mechanical garage to MOT station. 48 Barton Road, Bletchley, MK2 3HU.
- Two storey building to form 2 bedroom flats. 77 Victoria Road, Bletchley, MK2 2NZ.
- Increase the width of the existing entrance/exit of the access road to improve access for HGV’s accessing the site to service the existing sewage works serving Hanslope Park FCO site. Hanslope Park, Hanslope Park Road, Hanslope, MK19 7BH.
- Advertisement consent for x 3 number proposed advertisements in total x 2 proposed non-illuminated building mounted signs x1 proposed non-illuminated pole mounted sign. 1 Deltic Avenue, Rooksley, Milton Keynes, MK13 8DL.
- New one bedroom attached dwelling. 38 Teasel Avenue, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes, MK14 7DS.