Sparks in Olney, part of Sparks Film and Media Arts franchise, brings a weekly movie making workshop to young people aged 9-14 who have a passion for filmmaking or would just like to try their hand at a new skill.
Managed by local stage actor and director, David Pibworth, the weekly session held at The Olney Centre, enables young filmmakers to step into all the roles you’ll find on a real film set. They take on the directing, the camera work, all the crewing, as well as shining on screen in all the starring roles too.
These workshops give children and teenagers the chance to learn what’s required in professional filmmaking, as well as helping young filmmakers develop their ideas, boost imagination, confidence and meet new people.
This current 10-week workshop runs every Sunday 10am – 12pm until 5th December and can be joined at any stage. Free taster sessions are available.
David Pibworth said: “I wanted to bring these inspiring opportunities to young people to spark their imaginations, share creative skills and educate them in new ways of thinking about film.
“Sparks filmmaking classes provide a platform to teach valuable skills to young people who, like me, who can thrive in their creative outlets. I want to help bring out their talents and encourage the next generation of filmmakers.”