Milton Keynes schoolboy stabbed at local secondary school

    A teenage boy was stabbed by a fellow pupil at Stantonbury International School on Tuesday (21/1).

    The boy received minor stab wounds to the back and was treated at Milton Keynes Hospital.

    For updated information, please visit:

    Stantonbury International School have issued a response. It reads below: 

    "A student at Stantonbury International School has today assaulted another. The assaulted student received a small puncture wound and was immediately seen by a first aider. This is not a knife crime.

    Senior staff acted quickly to identify the student who made the assault and to gather as full and accurate as possible a picture of the event. The school also contacted police who questioned the relevant students and have arrested a 15 year old boy. The support of the police is very much appreciated.

    The school’s role as a community is to act quickly to ensure the safety of all students, to deal with the students involved according to its published policies and in tune with its ethos and to gather as full and accurate a picture as possible of the motivation for and context of any incident. The law applies on the school’s premises and is the business of the police to whom the school has handed all the information in its possession.

    All students are safe and timetabled lessons resumed shortly after the incident."


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