Arrests made following drugs and firearms investigation in Milton Keynes

    Today (19/3) officers from Thames Valley Police Serious and Organised Crime Unit, assisted by officers from Milton Keynes Local Police Area, the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit and the Joint Operations Unit carried out warrants at four addresses across Milton Keynes.

    Five people have been arrested on offences such as Possession of a Section 5 Firearm, Possession with intent to supply controlled drugs and Money Laundering and Immigration offences. They all remain in custody at this time.

    Officers seized two stun guns, controlled drugs including cannabis and around two thousand pounds in cash. 

    A 55 year old man from Coffee Hall has been arrested on suspicion of Possession of a S5 Firearm, PWITS Class B 

    A 27 year old man from Coffee Hall has been arrested on suspicion of Possession of a S5 Firearm, PWITS Class B. 

    A 22 year old man from Coffee Hall has been arrested on suspicion of Possession of a S5 Firearm, PWITS Class B. 

    A 23 year old woman from Wavendon Gate has been arrested on suspicion of PWITS Class B and money laundering. 

    A 22 year old man from Wavendon Gate has been arrested on suspicion of entering the UK illegally.

    Senior investigation officer Steve Jones, of our Serious and Organised Crime Unit, said: “We have carried out these warrants as part of our Stronghold campaign which aims to work in partnership to tackle serious and organised crime. 

    “This was an intelligence led investigation and we have arrested a number of people and our investigation is ongoing.”

    “Information is vital to tackling serious and organised crime and we would encourage people in our communities to continue reporting drug dealers operating where they live.

    “With this we can build up an intelligence picture in order to then execute warrants and make arrests. 

    “This operation had not only brought arrests but taken two dangerous firearms off the streets as well as drugs.”

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