Anti-Brexit messages appear chalked on pavements across Milton Keynes City Centre

    A series of anti-Brexit messages have appeared chalked on a number of pavements across Milton Keynes City Centre today, with photographs of the messages being shared on Twitter.

    Posts on the social media site show the messages have been left in a number of locations, including outside Milton Keynes Library.

    The messages refer to a 'People's Vote', a national campaign being fronted by campaigners including Lord Adonis who want a referendum on the terms of any negotiated Brexit deal later this year.

    Another message chalked onto the pavement in another part of the City Centre said 'Remainer Now'.

    Campaigners for a People's Vote staged two events in Milton Keynes last month, with attendees including Adonis himself and other activists.

    The identity of the people behind the new chalk messages is not yet known and they contain no identifying information.

    It is unclear on the legality of using chalk in order to display messages on public walkways.

    The Guardian reports that: "The offence of criminal damage does not need to involve permanent alterations and protesters have been convicted for writing on the pavement with water-soluble paints. The same could apply to using chalk or pencil on walls or pavements."

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