MK Job Show 2017

    On 27th and 28th January, The MK Job Show returns to Middleton Hall at the centre:mk with MKFM. Between 10am and 6pm, the job show will be showcasing thousands of employment and training opportunities in this area.

    The MK Job Show showcases some of the very best employment and training opportunities from the region’s most respected International, National, Regional and Local Employers.

    The MK Job Show provides direct access to a huge range of vacancies across numerous industry and business types from entry level vacancies to senior exec level!

    The show consists of ‘Talent Zones' which focus on specific skills sets and experience. Each ’Talent Zone’ has a sponsor and will be clearly identified when you get to the show… don’t forget that there may also be a presentation, clinic or workshop addressing your specific needs and expectations.

    If you are a business in Milton Keynes and are interested in exhibiting, check out the MK Job Show website for more details. Drive your recruitment budget further and hire talent direct!

    Highlights from Last Year

    Workshops (Friday and Saturday)

    10.30 – Effective CV – How to create an effective CV, tailored to your job search so that it makes the most impact and helps you get that interview highlighting your relevant achievements, skills, and strengths.

    11.30 – How to Shine at Interview – Fail to prepare and prepare to Fail!  Top tips, simple steps to help shine at interview, build your confidence and be prepared.

    12.30 – Using Social Media – Ever wondered about the mysteries of Social Media and job search?  then this is the session for you. De-mystifying Social Media and Job Hunting.

    14.30 – Using Social Media –  Ever wondered about the mystery’s of Social Media and job search, then this is the session for you. De-mystifying Social Media and Job Hunting.

    15.30 – Effective CV – How to create an effective CV, tailored to your job search so that it makes the most impact and helps you get that interview highlighting your relevant achievements, skills, and strengths.

    Company Presentations (Friday and Saturday)

    11.00 Ricoh – Interview Preparation – Getting it right

    12.00 Teach MK – Milton Keynes – In a class of its own

    13.00 – Retail Merchant Services  – Three Secrets to Career Success – How a small shift in thinking can change your life today. Ever heard the saying 90% of success is showing up? Learn how to unlock your extra 10% in just three simple steps and get the career and the life you deserve. In this Seminar, Retail Merchant Services’ Head of Training and Development – Andy Scott walks you through the links between positive changes in your mind set and progressing in the working environment. No matter what your goals and aspirations are, you can be the best version of you.

    13.30 UCMK – Developing your leadership and management skills

    14.00 Xero – “Winning your job search”

    15.00 TUI Group – Your passport to interview success

    16.00 Robert Walters – Why choose a career in recruitment

    17.00 Luton Hoo – Our People make the Luton Hoo experience… what part will you play?

    Visitor Guide

    Entrance to the event is FREE to all visitors and provides the ideal opportunity for employers and employees to meet!

    With no need to register, just put the date in your diary and come along on the day!

    Open from 10am to 6pm on both days.

    The MK Job Show
    Friday 27 & Saturday 28 January 2017
    Middleton Hall
    Milton Keynes

    Phone: 01908 843 646
    Mobile: 07912 434948

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