The Collaboration Choir - Milton Keynes

    Next: Wednesday, 19 February 2025

    Runs until Wednesday, 27 May 2026 (See all dates)

    19:30 - 21:00
    Oakgrove Primary School, Milton Keynes, MK10 9SG
    Free Trial (Membership is £25 per month)

    The Collaboration Choir in Milton Keynes is an all-inclusive adult choir, singing uplifting pop songs. We welcome everyone, whatever your experience or ability.

    More Information (MKFM is not responsible for external websites)

    The Collaboration Choir is the brainchild of Actress, Musician & Vocal Coach Carrie Rawlings. It’s a fresh musical alternative where people who are passionate about popular music come to feel inspired, nurtured, to push boundaries and do something for themselves in a safe space.

    We offer enjoyable weekly singing sessions for adults in your local community throughout term-time. You can learn new singing skills or improve them, feel empowered, grow in confidence, meet other like-minded individuals but also give back to the community around you through fundraising performances and experiences.

    Our style of teaching is detailed but so much fun as we navigate ways of learning to suit each room, each week. Anything goes as we endeavour to make sure everyone feels included and looked after whilst honing their musical abilities to the highest standard.

    You don’t need to have sung before. You don’t need to have any experience. Most importantly you don’t need to be worried. Just come along and collaborate with us!


    Oakgrove Primary School
    Atlas Way
    Milton Keynes
    MK10 9SG

    More details for this venue


    The event runs from 19:30 to 21:00 on the following dates.
    Select a date to add this event to your calendar app.

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