Volunteering Matters

    volunteering mattersVolunteering Matters use volunteering’s unique power to bring people together and build stronger, more resilient communities across the UK.

    We bring people together to resolve some of society’s most complex issues.  From social isolation and loneliness; improving health and wellbeing; building skills, confidence, and opportunity, to ensuring young people can become change makers in their community, the impact that we make is great.  And we won’t stop until everyone in the UK has the opportunity to thrive.

    People-led and impact driven, we’re a national charity that is deeply embedded in local areas across the UK.  We operate in five regions: London and the South East; Wales and the West of England; East of England; the Midlands and North West England; Scotland and North East England.  We also have an Employee Volunteering Team with over 25 years’ experience, acting as a broker to provide tailor-made solutions to employers.

    Volunteering Matters is the provider for four projects in Milton Keynes.

    MK Volunteer Drivers’ Service

    Driving schemes are a lifeline to some older and more vulnerable people who find it hard to get out of the house. Volunteer drivers support people to medical appointments, including hospital, local surgeries, dentists, and opticians.  In addition, our drivers undertake regular journeys for vulnerable children attending school, supporting those fleeing dangerous situations, attending family court and medical appointments. The MK Volunteer Drivers’ Service also encompasses Telephone Befrienders in its offering.  To book a journey please can 01908 670309 or email miltonkeynes@volunteeringmatters.org.uk


    Founded in 2009, and live in Milton Keynes from 2018, Grandmentors was jointly developed by Volunteering Matters and the Jedca Foundation.  Its aim is to mobilise older volunteers aged 50+ to use their lifetime of skills and experience to support young people (aged 16-25) leaving the care system who also lack positive adult role models.  Grandmentors work closely with their mentees to help improve their confidence, skills, social and independent living skills.

    RSVP – Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme

    RSVP– Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme – was set up in 1988 to enable people aged 50 and over to contribute their energy, enthusiasm, and experience as volunteers for the benefit of their communities.
    RSVP projects are led by volunteers, taking a lead role in setting up and managing volunteering activities to improve the health and wellbeing of others, reduce social isolation and alleviate disadvantage in their communities.  As with all volunteering, RSVP volunteers themselves also benefit in terms of their own health and well-being from their participation in socially valuable projects.

    In Milton Keynes RSVP deliver a Pen and Brush group, a virtual well-being café and tech support sessions for older people to get them online.

    Stepping Stones

    Stepping Stones is a brand-new project to both Volunteering Matters and to Milton Keynes.  The project was developed, and will be delivered, collaboratively with the Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group and Service Six addressing the need to support children and young people transitioning from long-term inpatient mental health units back into the wider community.  The project will see a transition from inpatient mental health provision to that of outpatient support from Service Six, and the commencement of a mentoring match through Volunteering Matters for the young people for a period of one year.  The aim is to decrease readmissions, enhance the mental health, well-being, social inclusion and opportunities for children and young people after discharge from inpatient units.
    The project offers flex’ to also provide support to the families of these children and young people and to develop a youth social action approach to peer-to-peer support.

    Canals and Rivers Trust – Tow Path Adoption

    In addition to our four projects in Milton Keynes we are also the proud “parents” of a one mile stretch of the Grand Union Canal Tow Path in Cosgrove!  Adopted in March 2021, the space gives all our volunteers, those we help, and our projects a space we can upkeep on behalf of the Canals and Rivers Trust, use for project activity, enjoy and this comes with the benefits of enhancing our health and well-being.  We are keen to hear from those who would like to take the lead in developing this project.


    Get in touch with the team in Milton Keynes to enquire about volunteering with any of the projects:

    Email: miltonkeynes@volunteeringmatters.org.uk

    Telephone number: 01908 670309

    Website: https://volunteeringmatters.org.uk/

    Our Team

    Kelly Israel – Project Manager

    kelly.israel@volunteeringmatters.org.uk - 07936 811892

    Tabby Wilkes – Engagement Manager - Grandmentors

    tabby.wilkes@volunteeringmatters.org.uk  - 07377 692340

    Heather Oddy – Engagement Manager – MK Volunteer Drivers Service heather.oddy@volunteeringmatters.org.uk 01908 670309

    Heena Trivedi – Engagement Manager – MK Volunteer Drivers Service heena.trivedi@volunteeringmatters.org.uk - 01908 670309

    Sarah Thurstans – Administrator – MK Volunteer Drivers Service sarah.thurstans@volunteeringmatters.org.uk - 01908 670309

    For business development and collaboration enquiries please contact: 

    Kelly.israel@volunteeringmatters.org.uk - 07936 811892 - @kelsrael (Twitter)

    Amy Walsh – Project Coordinator – Stepping Stones

    Amy.walsh@volunteeringmatters.org.uk - 07508520365

    Kai Anderson – Project Coordinator – Stepping Stones

    Kai.anderson@volunteeringmatters.org.uk - 07534042871






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