Darren Smith brought in to help MK Dons goalkeeping department

    Image Credit: Milton Keynes Dons Football Club

    Milton Keynes Dons have announced the addition of Darren Smith to the goalkeeping department.

    Smith, who has a wealth of experience as a goalkeeping coach with the likes of West Ham United, Colchester United, Ipswich Town and the Wales National Team, will step in to coach the Dons' goalkeepers while Lewis Price continues his battle against testicular cancer.

    Smith's arrival will also allow David Martin to focus solely on his playing career, which he is keen to extend for as long as possible after signing a new deal to return to the Dons.

    Sporting Director Liam Sweeting said: "We are pleased to welcome Smudge to MK Dons. He is an experienced coach who will be able to provide our goalkeepers with all the work and support they need while Pricey is away from the Club."

    "Smudge will work with David Martin, who will continue to play a role for us off the pitch with his experience and existing relationships with the goalkeepers. Dave, though, has made it clear he wants to continue his playing career for as long as possible and this allows him to put more focus and training time into doing so."

    Sweeting added: "It goes without saying that we all want to see Pricey back at the Club but it’s important he has the time and space to focus on his health, and Smudge’s arrival allows us to continue providing Jamie, Franco, Dave and Ronnie with expert support."

    Liam Manning added: "Pricey remains a key part of the first-team coaching department but it is important he has the time he needs to fight his battle and get back to full strength and health."

    "In the interim, we are pleased to be able to have Smudge work with our goalkeepers. He is somebody who I know from my time with Ipswich and he works with good intensity and detail. He will also bring energy and personality to the group."

    "Smudge will also be supported by David Martin, who will continue to play a role with his experience but can now focus more on his playing career."

    On his arrival at MK Dons, Smith commented: "I am both pleased and excited to be at MK Dons and I am grateful to Liam Sweeting and Liam Manning for providing me with this opportunity to work for a fantastic football club."

    "First and foremost, I must send my best wishes to Pricey and I hope to see him back fully healthy and doing what he does best as soon as possible. In the meantime, I will do all I can to support the Gaffer, the coaches and the goalkeepers we have here at the club."

    "We have a fantastic unit of goalkeepers, all of whom are at different stages of their professional careers. It is a competitive group but they are all eager to push one another to be the best they can be for the benefit of themselves, personally, as well as the team."

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